Agile programming technique.

One of developing websites and web applications techniques

What is the Agile methodology?

is a methodology used by in carrying out software development projects for websites and web applications,

This methodology defines a number of practices that ultimately lead to finishing your project and its launch to the market early and with higher quality.

It which all the required technical features included in the software in a panel called Project Backlog based on the study of your clients and potential users.

These features are made in cards from the “User Persona” point of view.

Each of these cards has an feature, which is placed on the board,

Each member of the specialist team (designers, developers, Project manager … etc)

starts estimating the time it will take to implement each feature written on each card, Each feature is given a symbol that expresses its size as clothing size symbols (XL, L, M, S)

These cards are divided into groups according to the links between them. It is then placed on a panel called “Kanban” – a Japanese word meaning panel .

The project is divided into Sprints or repetitive courses, Each stage is determined by a time – in weeks, – At the end of each stage an integral part of the software is completed,

o it begins to be tested and presented to you for feedback. and ensure that we are on the path of what you want to implement.

As the project benefactor / business owner, you meet staff after each course

To discuss what happened in the previous session, reassess requirements and set priorities.

This step gives you greater transparency between you and Shifters.Tech staff

during which you will have more influence on the projectt’s validity and ensuring that the project at the end meet the criteria that you want.

Contacting you daily is an indication of the importance of continuous communication in the Agile methodology

the Agile methodology principles

  • Work teams and their dealings with one another over bureaucracy and tools
  • Usable software is above full documentation of the software
  • Collaborate and participate as the business owner / project representative above negotiate with you about the contract
  • Responding to changes over commitment to a specific business plan – flexibility
  • The quality of the software is a key component of the Agile methodology
  • Code Documentation is important, but it is not replacement for communicate directly with you
Designing news websites

The difference between the traditional methodology and the Agile methodology

  • The traditional way work teams negotiate with you
  • The Agile method the work teams collaborate with you

The Agile methodology believes that the reality is that your needs are constantly changing, and your satisfaction with the project must be constantly tested

by expediting the delivery of the project, as the speed of handing over the stages of the project first hand speed up the process of feedback.

When we divide the project into small executive stages and it is delivered to you quickly

and consecutive deliveries are continuous, your desires in the project will be fulfilled quickly.

Contacting you daily is an indication of the importance of continuous communication in the Agile methodology’ Agile development methodology helps end the project early,

as obstacles appear early in the start of project implementation when beginning to write software code,

It also seeks to reduce meetings and debate in the planning and design of your project.